Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heidi Fleischer

Professor for Process Automation 
Associate Director  | 
Center for Life Science Automation CELISCA 

Main Research Interests

  • Process Automation and Process Measurement in
    Medicine, Environmental Sciences, Biotechnology and Chemistry
  • Process Analytical Measurement & Robot Assisted Sample Preparation 
  • Sensors & Actuators - Physical Principles and Applications
  • Multi-parametric Measurements for Complex Sophisticated Processes
  • Measurement - Theory and Application

+ + + +    From the  NEWS   + + + +

Preis für beste Lehre 2023

(CELISCA 2023) Prof. Heidi Fleischer wurde von der Fakultät für Informatik und Elektrotechnik nach Auswertung der Evaluationsergebnisse unter Beteiligung der Fachschaften der beteiligten Studiengänge ein Preis für beste Lehre für das SS 2022 und das WS 2022/2023 verliehen. In diesen Semestern führte Frau Prof. Fleischer u.a. die Lehrveranstaltungen Messtechnik und Analoge Schaltungen, Sensors und Actuators, Sensorik und das Doktorandenseminar Prozessmesstechnik durch.

Visiting Scholar Dr. Vinh Quang Do at CELISCA

(CELISCA 2023) Dr. Vinh Quang Do von der Can Tho University of Technology (Vietnam) verstärkt ab dem 01.03.2023 für 3 Monate das celisca Team. Im Rahmen seines Aufenthaltes sind gemeinsame Forschungsarbeiten sowie eine Lehrveranstaltung "Applied Temperature Sensing - Development of an Automated Control System" vorgesehen. Ziel ist die Etablierung einer langfristigen Kooperation zwischen der Can Tho University of Technology Vietnam und dem Center for Life Science Automation.

Heidi Fleischer honored with the "2021 SLAS Technology Reviewer Excellence Award"

(SLAS/CELISCA 2022) SLAS Technology is the flagship journal (IF=3,047) covering the fields of laboratory automation and screening. Screening is a special field in automated process measurement to be applied in high throughput explorations of various fields from biotech, medicial diagnostics, pharmacology to environment. Professor Heidi Fleischer from the University Rostock (Germany) has been honored with the prestigious "2021 SLAS Technology Reviewer Excellence Award".

Dr. Mohammed Faeik Ruzaij Al-Okby and Prof. Heidi Fleischer are finalizing the experiments for the spring semester 2022

(CELISCA 2022) Dr. M. F. R. Al-Okby and Prof. H. Fleischer are doing some final experimental work for the upcoming semester:      

SENSORS   is one of the courses to be taught in the spring semester.
As an example NOx - sensors can be used in different process scenarios  - from in-line to off-line process couplings. 

In the photo CELISCA's scientists are to test air samples - collected in plastic bags -  off-line with a reference sensor system.
These measures are to be compared with experiments performed with self-developed IoT-based NOx-sensor nodes: This can serve  as a showcase how science and technology meets university education - from theory to practice ...

Heidi Fleischer appointed as Professor for Process Automation

(CELISCA 2021) In the regular meeting of the Academic Senate of the University Rostock on February 3rd, 2021 PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Heidi Fleischer was appointed as Professor for Process Automation (apl)